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Confira os cursos, workshops, retiros e eventos durante o ano.

Yogashala Through the World   

With this project we would like to create conections, build bridges between Yoga schools and Yogis world wide. 


We would like to spread out Yoga Dance and mantras (On the path of sOund) in a way of uniting people, everyone vibrating in the same harmony, reaching for spiritual connections.


Exchange information and knowledge abought environment education, sustainability and permaculture, understanding how all this is connected with our personal ecology

and intertwines the world of Yoga.


We reserved the next three months to interact in Europe and another three months we will be in India working at an Ayurvedic course in Kerala, visiting different ashrams and at the end of the trip participating at a worldwide conference on permaculture. 

We are from Florianópolis-Brasil and started this project at Ilha da Madeira Portugal, where we

gave a Yoga class for more then 100 people at Clube Naval do Funchal, with live music and mantras on the International Day of Yoga.

There we also gave a workshop on Kripalu Yoga - practice and theory on the chakras and on the last day a Yoga Dance class with live music. 

The journey began:

June 21 Yoga class with live music

Time- 8pm

Location - Clube Naval do Funchal, Madeira Island Portugal


June 24 Kripalu Yoga Workshop

Theme- The Chakras

Time- 10am to 6pm

Location- Nova Era - Funchal, Madeira Island Portugal


June 25 Yoga Yoga Dance with live music

Time- 10am to noon

Location- Nova Era - Funchal, Madeira Island Portugal

The next destination was Leiden in Holland, a visit to Técia Vailati who worked at the reception, financial and administrative department of Yogashala seven years ago and subsequent to this went to live in the Netherlands.


21, 22, 23 July - Festival VII Barcelona Yoga Conference


About the teachers:

Andrea Porto Ferreira has worked with the education of the human movement for 32 years and currently directs Yogashala- Center of Yoga, located in Florianópolis, Brazil

She graduated in Physical Education from UFSC. She was in China where she completed her studies in Qigong, by the International Institute of Chinese Medicine. Lived in the USA where she did her Yoga Teacher training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, graduated in Spatial Dynamics from the Spatial Dynamics Institute and did master's degree in Waldorf Pedagogy at Antioche New England Graduate School, specializing in the first three years of life.

She taught Yoga in the United States in hospitals, clubs and universities. She taught at the Health Department of Middlex Community College where he taught the Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga. 

Has taken groups to India for culture and knowledge, for the last 5 years.

Lucio Silva Telles, besides professional percussionist and singer in the group of Indian mantras in YogaShala, is an Environmental Educator, has courses in Permaculture, organic agriculture, Landscaping and Gardening and Environmental Education. Naturalist and Environmentalist sought throughout life, from his childhood to interact and act in harmony with nature. He lived largely in the midst of the exuberant Atlantic Forest, knowing part of this biome in different states of Brazil and also with experience outside Brazil living and visiting Peru, Mexico, Spain, France and Uruguay experiencing models of lives and sustainable biomes.


We are willing to go to your school.

If you have any interest, let us know.



Jai Bhagwan 


"A força não provém da capacidade física. Provém de uma vontade indomável." Mahatma Gandhi


"Usar e vivenciar as coisas sem abusar delas, é respeitar a vida." Vidya Yoga Rishi


"Alimente apenas amor em seu coração. Quanto maior for sua aliança com o bem, maior será o bem em sua vida." Paramahansa Yogananda


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt


"Quem não tem dificuldades não cresce." Yogananda


"Devemos gerar coragem igual ao tamanho das dificuldades que enfrentamos." Dalai Lama


"Sem paz interior, sem calma interior, é difícil encontrar uma paz duradoura." Dalai Lama


"O futuro pertence àqueles que acreditam na beleza de seus sonhos." Jyothi Ananda

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